Thursday, June 12, 2008


Before arriving in Barcelona, I had read and heard many warnings regarding pickpocketers. I was always very cautious, and remember when I came back to the States that I was having a hard time relaxing with my purse...always on guard as I had been in Barcelona. Of course, you should always be on guard, but more so while in Barcelona.

One day I had a lovely day at the beach with some friends...but ended it with a huge annoyance...I was nearly robbed! I never thought I´d be a victim and am still appalled that I nearly was. My friends and I were on the metro heading home. A group of about four people rushed on the train pushing through the closing doors and laughing really loud about it all. So that was Strategy #1 - distract the people.

The metro was packed. The next stop was mine and for me to get off the train I had to push my way through a bunch of people. I was having the hardest time getting off and later realized that those four individuals were purposely making it very difficult for me to get off. That was Strategy #2. I finally made it to the door, but this one guy was just not letting me through. That was Strategy #3. He was pushing me and at the same time trying to get into my purse, but I hadn´t realized it. Luckily I looked down to find his hand digging through my freakin´purse. I COULDN´T BELIEVE HIS HAND WAS LITERALLY IN MY PURSE! I yelled ´´what the ****´´ (insert whatever word you´d like...I´d go with one of the worse ones), pulled his hand out and shoved it back at him. He starts laughing loudly - so Strategy #4 - distract with more laughter so no one realizes anything is going on. And it worked. Thank goodness I´m a pack-rat and he couldn´t find my wallet through all my junk!

Because of this mayhem I got slammed between the metro doors and had to squeeze out. It was crazy! I tried to yell to my friends to watch out, but two are from Japan and two are from Brazil, and we only speak in Spanish (a very bad, elementary Spanish, of course) to each other. I couldn´t think of what I could say quick enough. I just said ´´that guy tried to rob me!´´ and almost got my armed slammed in the door. And, as the train pulled away, I tried mouthing something to the two Brazilian girls, but they just waved and smiled good-bye thinking I was doing the same. That was actually pretty funny and we laughed about it the next day. I also learned that one of the four pickpocketers tried to get into one of their purses as well. These people are relentless!

After that, I was completely on edge, constantly looking around me, behind was terrible. Then it almost happened again, but to my dad. When he came through the metro gate I noticed a woman had snuck in free behind him. My dad didn´t even notice, and I think she thought ´´we´ve got a winner!´´ When we got on the train she tried to cover his ´´man purse´´ with her jacket. (Yes, he was carrying a small bag with him as it´s the very Euro thing to do and is a better defense against pickpocketers vs. everything in an easy to access wallet in your pocket. But no worries, he´s forbidden from carrying this lovely bag in the States). She was about to try and get into his bag under the jacket when he realized what was going on. He grabbed her jacket and threw it at her and said ´´You stay away from this!´´ pointing at his lovely ´´man purse.´´ That line still cracks me up!

THEN, that night I´m waiting for my train. On the other side of the track a man comes down and passes out on one of the benches. He´s out cold. Then two guys come and take his wallet. It was appalling! They then sat on a bench next to him going through his wallet and looking so proud of themselves! It was sickening. I felt horrible for not doing anything, but I thought 1) I could yell and this guy may still not wake up and/or 2) these guys would then come after me! Hopefully the guy learned his lesson and will never pass out in the metro station again.

And I´ve got one more for ya. My parents and I went on a walking tour and the guide continuously warned us about pickpocketers as we were obviously easy-to-spot tourists on this tour. We´re all wearing headphones and our guide talks to us through a microphone. At one point, we´re in a cathedral and she says ´´you see these two women here. They are not with our group and are pickpocketeres.´´ Sssshhhwwwooooopppp...all heads turned to them. She then kicked them out. They were right near me. I hadn´t even noticed them as they looked like they were part of our group. They looked just like tourists with shorts on, sneakers, and fanny packs and were even carrying camera bags. These folks are good!

I do hear that the pickpocketers here are a kind pickpocketer and that if they steal your wallet they´ll put it in a mailbox so it eventually gets back to you with your ID - minus the cash, of course. How nice!

1 comment:

Call me A.S for AkiraSabine said...

Hi, I love your story. Hope to quit my job and go backpacking like you someday.
P/S: Arrived at your page from Valerie's.