Hola (again) from Barcelona! I´ve fully recuperated and returned to Barcelona on May 15th - same day that my sister and friend had already originally planned to come out and see me before I jumped ship. We had a great time! They have since left and two days later my parents joined me here and were here for about a week. Had a great time with them as well. We were true tourists. I think we covered the entire city!
I started back at the school on May 19th. They put me in a class that was at the same point when I left. HOWEVER, I don´t think they remembered that I missed my entire last week as I was not feeling well and busy trying to figure out if and when I was headed back to the States. Needless to say, I missed the whole unit on future tenses, but they caught me up.
After just one week of being back in classes I had an exam in order to move to the next level. It had been 15+ years since I´ve taken an exam. I had kind of forgotten how that works. I actually tried to take it seriously and did some studying until those annoying past tenses came back into my life again. They confuse the heck out of me! Well...my studying paid off somewhat and I got an 86.5%! Woo hoo! But, the award is the next level which so far has been much harder. Soooo...I kind of played hookey yesterday and today...that´s been great. I´m thinking my last week or so here I may not return and just enjoy my vacation time. We´ll see...
Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I was back. Sorry it has taken me so long to get in touch. Time flies when you´re having fun! Check out my other posts for more photos and adventures. With visits from my family and friend, I got a chance to see a bunch of stuff that I hadn´t seen the first round. And, I have some great pickpocketing stories for you, too! Well, not exactly great...more like...ANNOYING!
Stay tuned...